Barrier Trials - Sha Tin 28th Aug
He was a multiple winner during his time in Australia and he looks like he is ready to make a fast start to the new campaign.
Barrier Trials - Sha Tin 28th Aug
Barrier Trials - Victor the Winner
Barrier Trials - Sha Tin 23rd August
Meydan Maidens - 10th Nov
Happy Valley Ratings - 4th/11th Oct
Happy Valley Winners - 27th Sept
Sha Tin Winners - 24th Sept
Happy Valley Ratings - 20th Sept
Auteuil Data Pack - 19th Sept
Sha Tin Ratings - 17th Sept
Happy Valley Ratings - 13th Sept
Auteuil Data Pack - 12th Sept
Sha Tin Ratings - 10th Sept
Auteuil 5th Sept - Data Pack
Hong Kong Barrier Trials - Part 3