Hong Kong Barrier Trials
Watching the Barrier trials, especially during the closed season, can offer a significant edge in the early weeks of the new campaign.
Hong Kong Barrier Trials
Deauville 27th August - Ratings
French Recruits 2023 - The List
Deauville 22nd & 24th August - Ratings
French Recruits - Sir Gino (Fr)
Deauville 19th & 20th August - Ratings
French Recruits - Kargese (Fr)
Deauville 15th & 17th August - Ratings
French Recruits - Liari (Fr)
San Sebastian 13th August - Ratings
French Recruits - Jamaico (Fr)
Deauville 12th & 13th August - Ratings
French Recruits - Salvator Mundi (Fr)
Deauville 10th August - Ratings
French Recruits - Excello (Fr)
San Sebastian 6th August - Ratings
Madrid 3rd August - Ratings
Madrid 5th August - Ratings
Deauville 5th & 6th August - Ratings
Deauville 3rd August - Ratings